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Results for "main_practice: Imagination, for_children: y"
A Library An inspiring ode to the power of books to open new worlds to us.
I Am Thinking My Life Encouragement for mindfully creating the life you wish to live.
Over the Hills and Far Away An outstanding collection that provides a multi-faceted experience for children and adults.
Grandma in Blue with Red Hat A creative and colorful picture book about how a boy is inspired by learning what is art.
Ellie A tale that shows that everyone can be creative in some way.
My Pen An immensely appealing affirmation of imagination at work via an artist and his pen.
The Geese March in Step A delightful parable about those who march to the beat of their own private drum.
A Watermelon in the Sukkah A delightful children's book about a creative little boy and his patient classmates who discover a way to celebrate Sukkot at school.
Windblown An interactive French children's picture book.
Ike's Incredible Ink A children's picture book about some of the challenges, obstacles, and rewards of the creative process.